EXCEL 97: Chi-square test of independence (for completely categorical data)

A. Colin Cameron, Dept. of Economics, Univ. of Calif. - Davis

This September 1999 help sheet gives information on This test is not used very often in analysis of economics data.
It is for data on two categories, and test whether the two categories are related or not.


Consider data on seniority of job position (level 1, level and level 3) and gender (male of female).
This data is cross classified so that we know the number of people in each category combination, e.g. how many are job level 3 and female.

Suppose the observed data on 1,000 people can be cross classified as
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Male 300 200 100
Female 200 150 50


We suppose there are r rows with row index row i
We suppose there are c columns typical column j
Then there are r*c cells with typical cell being cell ij

The data are denoted O_ij  for observed frequencies for cell ij.  e.g. Here O_13 = 100.
We need to calculate E_ij, the expected number of frequencies in cell ij if data are independent.
This is the hard part. See a textbook for this.

The test is:
For each cell ij calculate [(O_ij - E_ij)^2] / E_ij
Sum this over all ij pairs to get the chisquare test statistic, say chi.
The p-value of this test is the Pr[chi-square with (r-1)*(c-1) degrees of freedom > chi].
Reject H0: independent against Ha: not independent at level alpha if p-value < alpha.


See a textbook for how to construct expected frequencies for independent data.
For these data the expected frequencies are
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Male 300 210 90
Female 200 140 60

Suppose the observed frequencies are in cells B2:D4
and the expected frequencies are in cell B8:D9.

Then give the command  =CHITEST(B2:D4,B8:D9)  and the p-value of  0.1375 is returned.

Since the p-value is not < .05 we do not reject the null hypothesis.
Conclude that gender and level of position are statistically independent.

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