Stata 1999 Getting Started:

The following was created mainly in October 1999 and should work on both Unix and Windows versions of Stata.
The code is written for Version 7 of Stata. If using later versions you can add the command version 7 in each program.
Most commands will work in Version 8 and higher of Stata, aside from graph commands. Stata 8 introduced mucch nicer graphics, though new comands.

For more recent versions of Stata see


STATA: DEMO EXAMPLE OF BASIC STATA FEATURES (uses jaggia.asc) STATA: DETAILS ON READ IN DATA  (uses jaggia.asc and jaggia.dct) STATA: SIMULATION EXAMPLE  (no data) STATA: PANEL DATA EXAMPLE  (uses patr7079.asc) STATA: LOGIT, PROBIT, TOBIT EXAMPLES  (uses jaggia.asc) STATA: ADVANCED EXAMPLES (uses jaggia.asc)

A. Colin Cameron / UC-Davis Economics /