Economics 102: Analysis of Economics Fall 2023


Economics 102 is intended to be of similar difficulty to Economics 100 and 101, and should be taken at a similar time, i.e. sophomore/early junior. It is required for the Economics major.
[The department also offers a more advanced regression course - Economics 140 (Econometrics) - see bottom of this page.]

Course Goals:

(1) Review univariate statistics and then focus on regression analysis for the relationship between a single variable and one or several explanatory variables.
(2) Apply these methods to key economics data using the econometrics package Stata.
(3) Provide a bridge between introductory statistics and more advanced data analysis courses, e.g. between Statistics 13 and Economics 140.

Syllabus for 102:  Course Syllabus for 102

Stata Programs and Data Sets used in course:

Assignments used in course: 
Posted at Canvas.

Supplemental Handouts:  Past exams and other exercises

Stata:  Short Stata handout    plus   Additional Stata Information if you want it

Which course should I take (102 or 140)?: whichregressioncourse.html

Further Courses to Take: Advice on courses to take after 102

Data Sources:  Some data sources on the web (this is now very old)

Economics 1A-B, Statistics 13, 13Y or 32 and Math 16A-B or 17A-B or 21A-B or consent of instructor.
The essential pre-requisites are exposure to introductory lower-division courses in economics and statistics.

Relationship between Economics 102 and 140 and looking beyond 140:
Economics 140 is an advanced course that builds upon the statistical methods presented in Economics 102.
It is required that you take an upper division statistics class or Economics 102 before 140.
Strong students can skip ECN 102 and take STA 108 followed by ECN 140.
102 is not intended to be taken if Economics 140 has already been taken.

A. Colin Cameron / UC-Davis Economics /