A. Colin Cameron: Python coding tips

Python is case sensitive.
Use ASCII mode in editors, not UTF-8.

In most cases one can use either single ' '  or double quotes " ".
Long lines can carry over to subsequent lines by using backslash \ at end of line

Python uses indentation to indicate a block of code, whereas many other programming languages use { }
Exactly the same level of indentation (4 spaces is recommended)  must be used throughout the code segment.


Comment a line using #

Comment several lines by three successive “  (so “””) at beginning and three successive “ “  (so “””) at beginning of a final line at the end followed by a subsequent blank line.

Using absolute paths is recommended. To use working directories use the os module.

For complete listing of filename use / and not \

e.g. df = pandas.read_csv("c:/Users/cameron/Tmp/mydata.csv

Shortening commands

You can shorten commands by assignment.

For example, instead of

import pandas

shorten using

import pandas as pd

Order of variables
Regression commands using statistics packages usually order y then X.

Regression commands using computer science packages such as machine learning can instead order X then y.

References useful for econometrics with Python
Kevin Sheppard "Introduction to Python for Econometrics, Statistics and Numerical Analysis: Fourth+ Edition"
pdf at  https://www.kevinsheppard.com/teaching/python/notes/ 
Wes McKinney "Python for Data Analysis: data wrangling with pandas, NumPy, and Jupyter", Third edition.
html web version at https://wesmckinney.com/book/  and paperback at Amazon

For more on Python for regression: click here.

A. Colin Cameron / UC-Davis Economics /  http://www.econ.ucdavis.edu/faculty/cameron